Why do we pray?

For those with an affinity with prayer,

We pray because we have to…


We pray out of necessity, seeing the suffering and confusion in the world;

We pray because of the love and compassion that is in us

We pray because we have faith that prayer works, in ways beyond our understanding

We pray because prayer is the activity of the spirit in us

This is a privilege- the past, the present, and the future call us to this

We pray because we are connected to each other, and to this world, even if we don’t always know it, or feel it, this is true

We pray because the inner life and the outer world are inseparably connected – and we believe that what we think and feel and say and do matters in each others lives.

We pray because we believe that prayer matters, because we feel it is essential, ‘the one needful thing’ in our lives.

We pray because it helps us to remember what is important in this life, and what is not, and, it is the expression of this heart-knowledge

We pray to give thanks to our family and friends, to our parents and teachers,

and to bring light, to heal, to share all the good we have found;

We pray to correct what’s gotten out of balance, to help others, our family, and others as far as we can

Who prays?

Sometimes, it is the ego, and sometimes it is our true nature.

Often these are mixed together, and there is a dawning that can happen, a revelation within, where prayer changes for us.

Prayer then comes from a place that is altogether beyond the ego, as the expression of who we are, in truth.